Who are we?
Flex4Business ApS - Flexible web-based solutions for business.
Who is behind the company?
Behind Flex4Business ApS are Kim Revsbæk and Glen Nielsen, which are also the ones you will get in touch with if you want quotes on our system. In addition Kenneth Clausen is affiliated regarding development etc. and Hans Revsbæk is affiliated regarding quality.

Kenneth Jepsen Clausen
IT infrastructure and App developer
What is Flex4Business ApS?

Flex4Business ApS is a web bureau located at West Zealand.
Flex4Business vs. Flex4B
Flex4B® is the name of our system, while Flex4Business ApS is the company behind the system.
Flex4B® systemet
Our Flex4B® system is a great flexible SaaS (Software as a Service) system (CMS, webshop, Ticket Management System etc.), used by all our customers.
The vast majority of our customers is located in Denmark but we also have customers in Norge, Finland, Spanien and Holland.
We give back
At Flex4Business we are happy to support various projects and associations..
Among others we have chosen to support Hjerteforeningen (heart desseases) as a business partner and to support Kræftens Bekæmpelse (cancer) through gennem Knæk Cancer.
We have supported the fight against Cancer (Knæk cancer) since 2016 by donating 10.000 DKK / 1350 € every year, and the fight against heart disease (Hjerteforeningen) from 2021 with 7.000 DKK / 950 € every year.
We are also supporting other charities with smaller ammounts.

Information about Flex4Business ApS
Information about Flex4Business ApS
Address: Naleskovvej 3, 4291 Ruds Vedby, Denmark
Danish company registration number: DK42497762
Owned by K.M.R. Holding (Danish company registration number 45509507)
Flex4Business ApS - Flexible web-based solutions for business
Flex4Business ApS have other company names registrered:
Flex4B ApS: Our system name.
F4B ApS: Short version of the name
TechShop ApS: Earlier company name
Registered trademark
Flex4B® is a registered trademark in the EU
Contact Flex4Business
Feel free to contact us from the contact page