
Our Flex4B system embraces what the most customers want - we here show you some cases for customers with very diverse needs.

Amusement Parks

Below are a few examples of some of our amusement park customers (amusement parks, summer parks, activity parks, etc.). Two customers have been selected to show possibilities. Sommerland Sjælland, which has the entire system with us, and Nymarksminde, which has their webshop.

Sommerland Sjælland


You can visit the website and webshop of Sommerland Sjællands with sale of tickets, season cards etc.

Visit Sommerland Sj.

Proven system



Throughout a season (Number: 2022)

We are always there


Customer-specific adjustments

Sommerland Sjælland has had many adaptations made, and the system today also talks to several partners via API

Happy customers


The year they became a customer

We are proud to have been with them almost from their online start

How can Flex4B help?

The Sommerland Sjælland website from Flex4B make it easy for the staff to edit, setup and delete content.

We have delivered specific modules to be used in the design - the theme is constructed collaborating with their designer to fully meet their desires.

Sommerland Sjælland have a webshop on the website to make it possible to place products in categories or directly on pages with other content, to make buying easy for customers.

Sommerland Sjælland are selling tickets, seasonal cards, food/beverages and other products.

Sommerland Sjælland also use our gift cards, promotion codes, partner ticket plugin and many other modules in the shop to let them benefit of more options. It both generate additional sales and make customers happy.

Ticket Management System
Sommerland Sjælland use our Ticker Management System to check tickets by access at the entrance and for delivery of products - and beverages - bought in different stalls anywhere in the park.

At Sommerland Sjælland we have delivered an integation to the POS making it possible to scan the products directly on the cash registers.

Seasonal Card Management System
Sommerland Sjælland are using our Seasonal Card Management System. They have chosen to let out physical seasonal cards to customers as a personal memory from visitting the park.

Seasonal cards can be bought on their webshop from home and filled out with the required information and picture, making the cards ready for print at arrival to the park. Cards can also be bought at entrance (integration with POS) and then the computers, lined up with our system, make it possible for the customers to scan the barcode and fill out required information and make photo.

Kåre Dyvekjær, Sommerland Sjælland

"We were planning to start up a webshop from scratch. Flex4Business helped us in a serious and professional way to clarify which building blocks were needed. Flex4Business was able to setup these building blocks one by one to fit the webshop for exactly our needs.
From a webshop with one type of product, we have, from season to season, been able to extend the assortment and content having a close dialog with Flex4Business, that always has being helping us to follow the right way relative to possibilities and user-friendliness. Simultaneously it has been important for os to keep an overview  of time horizon and price for individual elements, giving us a possibility to select and deselect modules. Flex4Business has delivered the system elements quick and uncomplicated from time to time, making it possible to move on."

Kåre Dyvekær, Sommerland Sjælland

About Sommerland Sjælland

Sommerland Sjælland is the greatest summer amusement park at Sjælland with a lot of rides, eateries, animals and a huge water park.

Sommerland Sjælland are targeted to todlers and younger kids, but have amusing activities for all in a family.

Also there is a variety of different events in Sommerland Sjælland thru the season.

Flex4B: CMS, Webshop and Ticket management and Card Management.
Professional webhosting.

Theme/webdesign are devellopped to Sommerland Sjælland in collaboration with their designer from Echo design - also we have delivered special designed plugins.



Nymarksminde has a zoo, playground, swimming pool, and lots of entertainment for the whole family. On their webshop, tickets, annual passes, and vacation stays can be purchased.

Visit Nymarksminde webshop

Do you represent an amusement park or an experience center, and would you like to hear about the possibilities? Then book a free and non-binding meeting

Established for many years



Nymarksminde was founded in 2001 but has a history dating back to the establishment of the Nymarksminde farm in 1844

Close to Aalborg


min. from Aalborg

Nymarksminde is located 10 min. from Aalborg, but despite the distance of 350 km, we have had a close and good cooperation

Tailored to the customer


The year they became a customer

Nymarksminde needed a new flexible solution instead of their then current open-source solution

How does Flex4B help?

Nymarksminde had an open-source webshop, but needed a more flexible system where there was also the possibility for, for example, annual and season passes, and where there was a well-functioning ticket system.

In order to move quickly, Nymarksminde initially chose to keep their site and move the webshop and attach a ticket and annual pass system.

About Nymarksminde

Nymarksminde is located 10 min. from Aalborg and offers Bed & Breakfast and farm holidays.

Nymarksminde has many different activities such as a zoo, football golf, large playgrounds, swimming pool, and much more.

Nymarksminde also offers tours, for example, guided tours in Hammer Bakker

Flex4B® CMS, WebshopTicket System and Card System.
Professional web hosting

Standard design - Nymarksminde uses our standard design which can be customized for the customer


Ferry Sailings

Below is a single selected customer for ferry sailings. We chose this example because they have both a regular route (Helsingør-Helsingborg) and several types of events for both private and corporate customers.

MiniCruise Denmark / Sundbusserne

On the MiniCruise Denmark webshop, you can buy tickets for sailings, evening cruises, tuna safaris, and much more.

Visit the MiniCruise Denmark webshop

Do you represent ferry routes or other sailings and want to hear about the possibilities? Then book a free and non-binding meeting

Many Departures


Daily Departures

Sundbusserne has up to 23 daily departures from Helsingborg and Helsingør - i.e., up to 46 daily departures

Flexible System


Guests per Event

MiniCruise Denmark offers events for groups of 50 - 250 people. They have both planned events and events for special occasions.

Tailored to Ferry Routes


Year they became a customer

This was chosen because our system was tailored with passenger lists, easy creation of many daily departures, and much more aimed at ferry service

How does Flex4B help?

Sundbusserne and MiniCruise Denmark already had websites but wanted to start increasing the sales of tickets and events online.

The Flex4B system was chosen because it has many of the functions and features they were looking for, and because it can easily be expanded with more features, making it easy to scale.
This makes it easy to grow and add more products that can create additional sales.

One of the things they needed was an easy way to mass-create products with the departures they had. It was important that dates could be selected from a calendar, and that customers could simultaneously choose how many adults, children, and babies, as well as how many additional products like bikes and breakfasts they wanted.

Additionally, it was important that there were passenger lists and other things used in sailings.

About MiniCruise Denmark and Sundbusserne

Sundbusserne sails between Helsingør and Helsingborg and has many passengers daily with up to 46 daily departures.

MiniCruise Denmark offers events, evening cruises, special events, and much more on their ships. They can host events with between 50 and 250 guests.

The Flex4B system offers a flexible system that allows them to manage all sales from one place

Flex4B® CMS, Webshop and Ticket System.
Professional web hosting

Standard design - MiniCruise Denmark / Sundbusserne uses our standard design that can be adapted to the customer



Below we have selected a single example of museums. Lindesnes Fyr has been selected because it illustrates the possibility of having a museum, an attraction, and the ability to sell both experiences and physical products. It also shows the versatility in language as it is Norwegian.

Lindesnes Fyr


At webshop Lindesnes Fyr (Lighthouse) you can buy tickets, seasonal cards, events, books, food and much more.

Visit the Lindesnes Fyr webshop

Many options



More than 170 products - in addition to tickets, there are also books, games, clothes, posters, food, drink etc.



Guests per year

Lindesnes Lighthouse has both the lighthouse museum, Norwegian Coastal Administration Museum, ship and underwater lighthouse garden

Internationally adaptable


The year they became a customer

We enjoy visiting them at their beautiful location in Norway and are happy to have them as a customer

How are Flex4B helping Lindesnes Fyr?

Lindesnes Fyr had a website that they wanted to expand with a webshop from which they could sell their products.

Lindesnes Fyr had specific design requirements, something simple and traditionally making it easy for customers to buy their products.

Lindesnes Fyr has a variaty of products they want to sell - both physical items to ship, tickets, seasonal cards and much more.

Further more Lindesnes Fyr needed a description of items in both Norwegian and English, although not having all products shown in the translated version.

About Lindesnes Fyr

Lindesnes Fyr is located in a beautiful nature at the southermost point of Norway.

Lindesnes Fyr has a lighthouse, a museum, lots of activities, exciting food and beverages and an unique history. 

Lindesnes Fyr are selling tickets, seasonal cards, events, food and beverages and much more.

Flex4B: CMS, Webshop, Ticket Management and Card Management.
Professional webhosting.

Theme/webdesign is developed for Lindesnes Fyr collaborating with the staff to ensure it matched their existing design. Also including special developed plugins.

Norwegian and English.

Concerts and Events

We have selected three different cases for concerts and events because they each have unique possibilities. Old Irish Pub has their sites with us and illustrates how we handle ticket sales for concerts and Christmas parties in many different countries. LiveOplev sells all types of events and experiences, and Klub Billetsalget is a closed platform that sells tickets for other customers.

Old Irish Pub


You will find Old Irish Pubs in many countries including Denmark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Spain

Visit main site for Old Irish Pub

Visit Old Irish Pub country sites


Flexible system



6 languages: English, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Spanish and Dutch

Reliable system


Guests per year

Many visitors, also on the website and webshop

Scalable system


The year they became a customer

Since then, they have grown explosively, and we are happy to be on the journey

How are Flex4B helping Old Irish Pub?

Old Irish Pub are using the Flex4B system with a plugin for departments - which means every pub can have a proprietary small site e.g. with opening hours, music program etc.

Old Irish Pub also wanted us to collaborate with their designer setting up a special design, adapted to their business and marketingplan. So we delivered a theme according to this,

They have plugins associated to music program, opening hours etc. making updates fast and easy.

Sales from Old Irish Pub webshop
Old Irish Pub has a webshop associated to their website. The webshop at Old Irish Pub website is set up for guided purchases because the customers often buy one thing at a time.

As an example Old Irish Pub are selling tickets for Christmas Lunch, New Year's Party, October Party etc. from the webshop. Which means the Ticket Managemnt System also are integrated.

Also drinks packages etc. are part of the product. Old Irish Pub has seen an explosive growth in sales since we delivered the setup-

Peder Blak, Old Irish Pub

"Price vs. quality are perfectly mathced and with regards to the service level there is nothing to complain about . Everything is handled in no time."
Peder Blak, Old Irish Pub

About Old Irish Pub

The Old Irish Pub is the greatest chain pub business in Scandinavia. In many danish cities you will find Old Irish Pub. Further more you will find many Old Irish Pubs abroad e.g. in Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Spain.

The Old Irish Pub is for an adult audience and you can find any arrangements from night long dance with 80s and 90s hits to the greatest sports events and also live music arrangements. 

Flex4B: CMS, Webshop (arrangements) and Ticket Management.
Professional webhosting.

Theme/webdesign developed to Old Irish Pub in collabortaion with their designer. We also delivered specal developed plugins.


Danish, English, Norwegian, Dutch, Finish and Spanish.


LiveOplev offers unforgettable moments in Denmark with tickets to music, festival, and children's events.

Visit LiveOplev

Do you represent a ticket provider and would like to learn about the opportunities? Then book a free and non-binding meeting

Multiple locations


Locations around Denmark

LiveOplev offers events at at least 12 different locations in Denmark.

Many shows


Shows per year

LiveOplev provides more than 300 unforgettable moments per year.

Chose Flex4B


The year they became a customer

LiveOplev chose the Flex4B system when they started with ticket sales in 2023.

How does Flex4B help?

LiveOplev needed to be able to sell tickets for their many shows and events around the country via their own site. As a newcomer in 2023, they opted for the Flex4B system.

The Flex4B system was chosen, among other reasons, because it allowed sales from their own site, does not have per-ticket sold costs, also includes their website with CMS for the ticket system, and offers a future option for cards.

About LiveOplev

LiveOplev has gathered an impressive lineup of artists from both Denmark and abroad, specially selected and ready to provide you with an experience.

The goal is to create experiences all around the country. Through more than 12 different locations and 300 shows per year, LiveOplev aims to connect you with lifetime experiences and offer you access to an incredible diversity of live performances across genres - LiveOplev has something for everyone.

Flex4B® CMS, Webshop and Ticket System.
Professional web hosting

Standard design - LiveOplev uses our standard design which can be customized for the customer



Billetsalget sells membership tickets for Danish experiences and attractions.

Since Billetsalget sells to members, you will not find their products on the page - therefore, the page and its design are less important to them compared to functionality and user-friendliness during purchase.

Visit Klub billetsalget

Do you represent a ticket provider and would like to learn about the opportunities? Then book a free and non-binding meeting

Many types of tickets


types of tickets

Billetsalget has more than 10 different types of tickets: travel, movies, music, sports, theater, comedy, attractions, wellness, food, and wine.

Many events


advantageous offers throughout the year

Billetsalget currently has over 500 advantageous ticket offers per year.

Established company


was the year they started

Billetsalget started in 2012 and has therefore been selling tickets for many years.

How does Flex4B help?

Billetsalget sells tickets through the Flex4B system for all their events, thereby offering their customers an easy way to get their advantage tickets.

Billetsalget sells only through benefit clubs, and therefore, the products are not visible as a starting point but are only accessible via link to the companies.

About Billetsalget

Billetsalget develops and operates white label benefit clubs in Denmark.

Their clients are companies that offer employees and/or customers access to a benefit club.

Billetsalget's benefit clubs are exclusively for their B2B clients' members and/or customers.

Flex4B® CMS, Webshop and Ticket System.
Professional web hosting

Standard design - Billetsalget uses our standard design which can be customized for the customer


Other clients

We service a wide range of customers who use our system for CMS, webshop, ticket system, map system, and similar needs. Below are selected examples, not based on functionality, but to demonstrate the versatility in design and styles our standard design offers without the need for customization.


Gårdhaven Streetfood

Gårdhaven Streetfood offers tasty experiences in Odsherred, close to Sommerland Sjælland

Customer since: Start-up in 2022


Camp Minigolf

Here you will find the coolest minigolf course in town with 18 holes, where the atmosphere is always great and the beer is always cold

Customer since: Start-up in 2022



The history of Damhuskroen dates back to the 1600s, when Christian IV gave permission for its construction. Today it is owned by Old Irish Pub

Customer since: New owners in 2021


Karaoke Bar

At Karaoke Bar, all party-loving people can have a blast and sing all their favorite songs.

Customer since: Start-up in 2022



Samala is a residence and stay facility with extensive experience with socially disadvantaged children, young people and adults with mental challenges

Customer since: Start-up in 2017

Mind Your Feet

Mind Your Feet

Mind Your Feet offers good and professional foot care with care and focus tailored to your needs.

Customer since: Start-up in 2021



Økonomirådgivningen was established in 2013 and is a collaboration between 5 large housing organizations in Western Zealand

Customer since: 2013

UG Polering

UG Polering

UG Polering is a window cleaning company located in Stenlille in Western Zealand.

Customer since: 2021


Dansk Fuglesikring

Dansk Fuglesikring is an information page on how to protect against birds on e.g. houses and urban environments

Customer since: Start-up in 2023


Ellen Naldal

Ellen Naldal works with, among other things, couples therapy and coaching, and has been working with it since 1994.

Customer since: 2012


Artist Tina Lund Christiansen

Tina Lund Christiansen is an artist. She works with the sculptural aspect in various materials

Customer since: 2011


Grønne Grunde

Grønne Grunde is "Your garden architect". Gardens with soul are designed - for joy, anticipation and fulfillment of garden dreams

Customer since: Start-up in 2006


Asminderød Kro (Inn)

Asminderød Kro (Inn) has a history dating back to the 17th century, and is today used as a accommodation solution

Customer since: New owners in 2022


Bearded cattle control

Combating bearded cattle

Customer since: 2023


Sommersted Skadedyrsservice

Sommersted Skadedyrsservice (Pest Control) combats pests in Southern Jutland and on Funen.

Customer since: 2019



LN & Co ApS is for you who want your carpentry tasks performed in the best quality, with aesthetics in mind

Customer since: Start-up in 2021


SPAR Rejser

SPAR Rejser (travel) offers bus trips and excursions for groups in both Denmark and abroad.

Customer since: 2004


Terapihuset København

Therapy House Copenhagen is a psychotherapeutic professional community in Copenhagen

Customer since: 2022


Helsingør Accommodation

English website offering accommodation/fully furnished apartments for people from abroad who, for example, work in Denmark.

Customer since: Start-up in 2023


Woodworm control

Danish informational website about woodworm control. Learn about what woodworms are and how to control them.

Customer since: Start-up in 2023


Give Hospital

Give Hospital has been converted into 86 attractive rental apartments ranging in size from 50-130 m2

Customer since: New owners in 2022



At Icehorse, you will find a large selection of Icelandic horses, giving you the opportunity to view several horses at the same time

Customer since: Start-up in 2022

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