Knaek Cancer 2021
Flex4Business supports "Knæk Cancer" (Danish organization againgst cancer) for the 6th year in a row with DKK 10,000.
Support "Knaek Cancer"
We hope that all of you, both private and business, will support the campaign
Alternatively, you can also go directly to the Danish Cancer Society's website and support
Here you have the opportunity to support throughout the year both with lump sums and with fixed payments.
What does Flex4Business firmly support?
Flex4Business regularly supports "Knaek Cancer" (Danish organization againgst cancer) and the Hjerteforeningen (Danish organization against heart diseases) every single year, and also continuously supports smaller projects as needed. We believe it is important to support good causes as a company in Denmark.
If you have a case that you think could be something for us to support, then you are welcome to contact us and describe what the case is about and why support is needed. We are a small company and therefore can not support everyone or support with large amounts, but we try to make a difference where we can.