Flex4Business becomes ApS

18 Aug 2021
19 Aug 2024

Flex4Business becomes Flex4Business ApS. The change takes place as a transformation, and everything is therefore transferred to the new ApS, just as the old personally-owned company is closed.

New name: Flex4Business ApS (added ApS)
New CVR number: 42497762

What does this mean for our customers?

It doesn’t really matter that much. All agreements are transferred to the ApS company, and notice of the change has been sent out to customers on 6 July 2021.

Below are the biggest things you as a customer should be aware of:
- All agreements will continue unchanged except that they are delivered and invoiced from Flex4Business ApS CVR 42497762.
- As it becomes an ApS, Flex4Business ApS CVR 42497762 is an independent legal entity.
- Our conditions have been updated with the new name, CVR and system names and can still be found at https://flex4b.com/en/page/ conditions /
- Our material has been updated according to the new name.
- Prices, services, products, service and the like. does not change as a result of the change.


We are therefore looking forward to being able to continue to deliver the products you have today, to service you and to help you grow. In the long run, the transformation allows for even better service.

If there are any questions, then you are very welcome to contact us